Email Marketing

Our Clients Say...

"CrystalVision did a wonderful job designing and building our web site as well as custom developing and integrating a back-end program that has improved our productivity. Analytics has benefited greatly from the advantages of a web presence, but the real value is in having a firm like CrystalVision as a business partner. They do not leave the client after launch. CrystalVision is always available for questions and to assist with changes. I feel they are always looking out for us, their customer."

Steve Knollmeyer
Analytics Environmental Laboratory

In this day and age, keeping in touch with your client base is essential for solid, long-term business relationships. And as printed marketing materials become increasingly cost-prohibitive, the logical choice for businesses of all sizes is to regularly send out email newsletters. CrystalVision can design and manage email marketing campaigns for you that will not only keep current and prospective clients regularly in touch with your company, but will also impress while doing so.

Our CrystalNetworks email newsletter service offers affordable monthly packages that enable you to determine your level of participation while building and maintaining customer relations and staying in touch with potential customers.

Whether your company is large or small, we can help you create and manage attractive and informative email campaigns that will keep you in touch with current clients and help you to gain new clients.

CrystalVision's Silver, Gold and Platinum packages allow you to decide how much of the work we handle for you.

Get our newsletter services documentAdobe Reader Document to learn specific pricing information for our CrystalNetworks email newsletter service.

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