Core Competencies
Our Clients Say...
"Thank you for the development of our web site. Our company is off to a great start and part of that success is attributed to the hard work of your team and the professional web site you created for us."
Jim Stevens
Ardent Support Technologies
CrystalVision thrives on technical challenges. When a client wanted to report real-time operations data for their plant on their web site, we developed a method that has been working successfully for them since 2001. When The Remy Report requested a way to have an easy-to-use administrative control allowing input and edits of a 162+ game season schedule for the Red Sox, as well as all of the players on the team, we responded with exactly what was requested. When Lamprey Brothers wanted to broadcast presentations from their "This Old Planet Needs a Home" event, we converted DVD video into a rich multimedia experience using Flash Video.
- Shopping carts for retail sites featuring products as varied as welding materials, beverages, luggage tags and art.
- A database-driven Adobe Flash chart for scallop pricing that's updated every week of the year.
- A highly interactive site allowing access to blueprints and photos of home floor plans that allows users to select their favorites.
Learn more about some of our specific technical expertise, including programming languages, methodologies and systems, database technologies and online marketing by reviewing this list of core competencies.
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